Do you ever wonder what you were made for, what your purpose might be in this life? You see so many wonderful non-profits doing so much good for the world, but what are you doing? Going to work everyday, doing what?
We are made to do more then just work, we were made to help, inspire and encourage others that we come in contact with on a daily basis. Have you ever thought how you could do that where you are?
It is tough sometimes to see outside of our box that we have put ourselves in. Maybe we aren’t curing diseases, maybe we aren’t out on the front lines helping nations that are suffering or in poor health. But we are right where God wants us, if we will be willing to do what He ask us to do.
What if your mission in life was to make sure the people you are around know who God is, and how to walk with Him in their daily lives. We don’t always need to be on the front line, we just need to be available to those around us who are hurting, who are broken, who are wrestling with what God is calling them to do. Maybe, just maybe we are called to pray, to encourage, to lift up those we are around so they can be who God has called them to be.
Isaiah 1:19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: